KAMG: privacy and GDPR
Data we hold
Kent Advanced Motorcyclist Group (KAMG) hold your personal data securely on our “Tracker Database”. We hold this information all of the time that you are a full member of KAMG. All of this information is held on a secure server which is highly encrypted and backed up on a daily basis. Group authorised administrators are the only permitted persons to be allowed full access that database for maintenance purposes.
What we need
KAMG will be what is known as the ‘Controller’ of the personal data you provide to us.
Unless otherwise agreed, we will collect only basic personal data about you to allow us to build your training record and maintain your membership.
Why we need it
We need to know basic personal data in order to provide you with the services you expect, and engage us to provide. If you do not provide or consent to this information being held we will be unable to provide these services. We will not collect any personal data from you that we do not directly require for carrying out the services.
We store all of our data on the group database including: Your training record, Name, Address, DOB, Email address, ICE, Membership numbers, motorcycle type and your consent to receive mailshots from us and to collect gift aid from your charitable annual subscription.
What we do with it
Unless otherwise agreed, we will collect only basic personal data about you to allow us to make contact you through the group newsletter or directly by email or telephone concerning only group matters, we maintain your training records, emergency contact details (ICE) and membership subscription status. As a member of KAMG, you are able to review your data at any time from your personal login, upload your personal photo and alter your personal information.
KAMG policy does NOT allow your data to be passed onto third parties for any purpose. You data may be passed onto the IAM for statistical and membership status only. Your data is used internally for the purpose of safety, communication with you via KAMG and statistical gathering to help us to analyse our effectiveness.
How long we keep it
We will generally keep your personal and training records for a minimum of 5 years after which time it will be destroyed if it is no longer required for your ongoing training or lawful purposes for which it was obtained. We will be annually reviewing archived and historic data in order to remove and destroy any information that is no longer required.
Who else may keep information
Observers may keep copies of your training records during your ongoing training. These may be in the form of logbook entries on paper or photographs of logbooks. Observers are instructed to transfer this information to Tracker at their earliest convenience and the delete these records from their devices.
Miscellaneous data
As an active group, we partake in various activities which is shared amongst other members through the group magazine or social medias sites. Often other members may take photographs of these activities for publication in these media types. Should you not wish to have personal images displayed, KAMG have no control in this area and you should make it known to the photographer at the time that you do not want to participate. Should any such images appear, you can contact the Chainman for our team to endeavour to have any such images removed.
Your access and rights
All of your data is available for your review and editing at any time via the Tracker Database. Should you wish to be excluded from certain contact features, you have the ability to amend your own selection at any time.
If you have any queries regarding privacy and GDPR, please email group-secretary@kamg.org.uk