The Governance, Policies and Operating Procedures of the Kent Advanced Motorcyclists Group

1: Governance

1.1 Legal Status

KAMG has standard registration with the Charity Commission and is governed by a constitution adopted on 27th November 1996. The objects of the Group are for the public benefit to promote the improvement of the standard of riding and the advancement of road safety.

The Charity Commission number for the KAMG is: 1060837

1.2 Affiliation to the IAM RoadSmart

a) IAM RoadSmart is a registered UK charity established to make UK roads safer by improving driver and rider skills through coaching and education.

b) In 1980 KAMG was the first group dedicated to training motorcyclists to become affiliated to the then named Institute of Advanced Motorists and currently named IAM RoadSmart. The KAMG IAM RoadSmart affiliation number is: K2095.

c) Consequently KAMG have adopted the IAM Roadsmart Group Rules of Affiliation in their entirety . (See Appendix 1 in Section 9)

d) The policies in this document do not contradict the IAM Roadsmart Group Rules of Affiliation and are not contrary to the aims or constitution of IAM RoadSmart. If a conflict should arise between these policies and the IAM Roadsmart Group Rules of Affiliation (or the aims or constitution of IAM RoadSmart), the IAM Roadsmart Group Rules shall have precedence.

1.3 The KAMG Management Committee

a. The vision, direction and operational management of KAMG is the responsibility of the KAMG Committee lead by the Chair.

b. All members of the committee are elected at the annual general meeting (AGM) and can serve for a maximum period of three years before they must either retire or, offer themselves up for re-election at the AGM by the KAMG membership. All Officers and one-third of the remainder of the Group Committee Members must retire annually by rotation and may offer themselves for re-election by Group Full Members at the Annual General Meeting held each year.

c. The Committee will be quorate if it is chaired by either the Chair, Vice-Chair or President and more than one-third of the Committee members are present.

d. Committee members who are not available to attend a meeting will inform the Chair and give their proxy to another attending Committee member.

1.4 Posts and Officers of the KAMG Management Committee

The Committee has 15 posts and 18 voting officers. They are:

Chief Observer
Deputy Chief Observer
IDCAM and Associate Co-ordinator
Membership Secretary
Group Run Co-ordinator
Machine Control Day Organiser
Group Night Organiser
Magazine Editor
Publicity Officer
Regalia Manager
Committee Member Without Portfolio
Committee Member Without Portfolio

1.5 KAMG Training Sub-committee

The Training Committee is led by the Chief Observer and is responsible for all aspects of training of local observer assessors (LOA), national observers (NO), local observers (LO), green badge holders (GB) and Associates (A).

1.5.1 Introductory Day Course in Advanced Motorcycling (IDCAM)

a. Before all new associates are teamed up with an observer they attend a one day IDCAM session. The structure and delivery of the IDCAM is the responsibility of the IDCAM and Associate Co-ordinator, who is also responsible for teaming up an associate with their observer.

b. The course consists of two interactive class room sessions including a question and answer session on the Highway Code interspersed with two on-road observed riding sessions.

1.5.2 LOA, NO and LO Training and KAMG Annual Check Ride Validation

a. The KAMG Training Committee is responsible for delivering a comprehensive classroom and on-road training programme for associates wishing to become LOs and LOs wishing to become NOs and/or LOAs.

b. All KAMG observers, irrespective of their particular Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) accreditation level must be revalidated each year by either an LOA or NO. LOs must also have a 3 yearly check with an LOA. This is in addition to the IMI/IAM RoadSmart revalidation requirements (3 years for LOAs and 5 years for NOs)

1.5.3 Observer Radio Training

a. KAMG supports the appropriate use of radio communication between observers and associates.

b. The Training Committee is responsible for the delivery of the three levels of radio competency and observer candidate assessment/accreditation.

1.5.4 IAM RoadSmart “Masters” Training

a. KAMG is strongly supportive of green badge holders who wish to take their training to a higher level and participate in the IAM RoadSmart Masters programme.

b. IAM Roadsmart is responsible for the training and mentoring programme for Masters qualification; however the Training Committee is responsible for ensuring that training assistance for this programme is in place within KAMG.

1.5.5 Green Badge Voluntary Assessment

a. KAMG recognises that once associates have achieved GB status their training comes to an end and that skills may deteriorate over time if not refreshed.

b. The Training Committee is responsible for the development and delivery of a diagnostic ride programme with an NO and, if the NO and GB holder consider it appropriate, for the delivery of a tailored remedial training programme to be undertaken.

1.5.6 Machine Control Training

a. The Training Committee is responsible for and has charged the Machine Control Day Organiser with developing and delivering a training course. The specific objectives of this course are to improve motorcycle control at slow speeds and to practice effective higher speed braking techniques in a conflict free environment.

b. A minimum of four courses a year will be offered to any KAMG member.

1.6 Observer Corps Organisation

a. The KAMG Observer Corp members are all accountable to the Chief Observer for the delivery of consistent, high quality coaching and mentoring to the associate(s) allocated to them.

b. The Observer Corp operates in four geographically distinct teams within the county (North, East, South and West). Each team is led by a Team Mentor.

2: Membership

2.1 Membership

All KAMG members MUST be paid-up members of BOTH of the following:

a. Kent Advanced Motorcyclists Group

b. IAM RoadSmart

2.2 Membership Fees

a. Membership dues are payable annually on Mar 31st. The current annual membership fee is £25.00 per annum or part thereof. The annual fee level is set by the committee and may change from time to time.

b. Members will be sent an annual request for payment and a reminder. Any member failing to pay their annual membership fee shall be deemed to have left the group and will no longer be eligible to undertake group events.

2.3 Member Guests

a. Members may bring guests to any KAMG event that the Committee has approved for guest attendance.

b. KAMG Members are responsible for the conduct of their guest(s) at any KAMG event that their guest(s) attend.

c. Guests are not permitted to take part in any event undertaken on behalf of IAM RoadSmart.

3: Group Meetings

3.1 Monthly Group Meetings

KAMG holds monthly meetings open to all KAMG members on the last Thursday of each month. The Group Night Organiser is responsible for arranging the venue and content.

3.2 Observer Only Meetings

The Chief Observer is responsible for organising and developing the content for a minimum of three meetings a year for observers. The objective of these meetings is to maintain the consistency and quality of the coaching and mentoring that observers give to associates.


An AGM will be held at the March Group meeting. At least 21 days but not more than 60 days’ notice shall be given to Group Full Members.

An EGM may be called at any time by the Committee to deal with any items deemed by the Committee to be special business. At least 21 days but not more than 60 days notice stating the business to be discussed, shall be given to Group Full Members

Group Full Members also have the right to call an EGM. The matter/s for discussion must be put in writing, stating the business to be considered, and signed by at least five Group Full Members or five per cent of the total number of Group Full Members, whichever is the greater, and forwarded to the Group Secretary who will call an EGM within 36 days. The notice from the Group secretary to the Group Full Members shall be in writing giving a minimum of seven days notice, and state the business to be discussed.

A quorum for an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be five Group Full Members or five per cent of the total number of Group Full Members, whichever number is greater.

4: Social Runs

4.1 Group Social & Training Runs

a. Group runs organised in accordance IAM RoadSmart criteria are held on the first Sunday following the Monthly Group Meeting (Section 3.1) and are the responsibility of Group Run Co-ordinator.

b. The Group Run Co-ordinator is responsible for the safe choice of all aspects of the proposed route and ride characteristics.

c. Group runs may only be conducted if the ambient temperature is, and is forecast to remain above, 3 degrees C for the duration of the run.

d. A clear and unambiguous ride brief will be given by the run leader to each member attending a group ride.

e. Ride group leaders and “Tail-end Charlies” will be clearly identified and they will be briefed by the Run Leader on their additional responsibilities.

f. Riders must comply with the Law at all times and are responsible for maintaining their own safety, riding in a manner that they are capable of and comfortable with maintaining.

g. If a rider intends to leave the group run the run leader must be informed and the rider must leave the group from the back of the group to avoid another rider in the group following the leaver by mistake.

h. Any riders who are not riding in accordance with either the Law, or the run leader’s brief, will be advised of their transgression and may be asked to leave the ride.

i. Pillion passengers are subject to the same terms & conditions as members. They ride at their own risk and must be covered by either their own or the pilot rider’s insurance.

4.2 Ad Hoc Group Runs and Longer Duration Trips

a. From time to time KAMG members may wish to advertise that they are organising a run or a trip of longer duration. All such events require the approval of the KAMG Committee and must be run in accordance with the KAMG principles (See Section 4.1) practice and risk assessment. (See Appendix 9.2 in Section 9)

4.3 Process for Dealing With Group Ride Incidents

a. Incidents which occur on Group Rides will normally be dealt with by the ride leader(s) and supporting observers. Incidents may be categorised into

i. Motorcycle mechanical issues;
ii. Inappropriate rider behaviour;
iii. Marker system breakdown;
iv. Accidents involving a rider and/or a third party which may, or may not, require the assistance of the emergency services.

b. If an incident is considered to be significant by the ride officials they will provide a verbal and then written report of the incident to the Secretary who will keep a record of the report.

c. The ride officials may escalate an incident to the Chief Observer for action in the following circumstances:-

i. When the incident involves a complaint from a member on the ride and that member is not satisfied with the ride official’s response.
ii. When the ride officials do not consider that the person alleged to have caused the incident has responded appropriately.

d. The actions of the Chief Observer will be based on the following principles and process:-

iii. The exercise of fair and reasonable judgement to resolve the incident as swiftly as possible;
iv. Investigate the matter in a thorough and unbiased fashion giving all concerned the opportunity to express their views of the alleged incident;
v. Recognise that those providing information and those investigating are voluntary members of KAMG and not employees;
vi. Consult with the KAMG Chair and/or Secretary to determine any actions required to maintain KAMG’s road safety aims and objectives;
vii. Keep written records of the investigation as it proceeds;
viii. If the Chief Observer is unable to resolve the matter she/he will refer the matter to the Committee when she/he believes that Group’s responsibilities for road safety are being seriously impeded.

5: Associates

5.1 Allocation of Associates

a. The IDCAM and Associate Co-ordinator will email all observers with the location and the preferred days of the week for observed rides of all unallocated associates.

b. Observers with capacity will respond to the IDCAM and Associate Co-ordinator if they can help.

c. The IDCAM and Associate Co-ordinator will then provide the allocated observer
with the associate’s relevant details and update KAMG Tracker.

5.2 Associate Progress and Recording

a. All associates must have completed an IAM RoadSmart Document Declaration form before commencing any observed ride.

b. After completion of an observed ride and detailed de-brief the observer will complete the associate’s log book. Using the KAMG Tracker tool, the observer will then write a report of the ride that also includes helpful development suggestions for the associate.

c. It is common practice for observers to use mobile phones to capture the new data in an associate’s log book so that they can complete the KAMG Tracker report. Once the Tracker report has been completed any photographs of the Associate’s log book must be deleted to maintain compliance with data protection legislation.

5.3 Associate Check Rides

a. After completing approximately four observed rides the associate’s observer will arrange for the associate to have a progress check ride with an NO or LOA.

b. The NO or LOA will provide detailed feed back to the associate and observer with advice on how to progress further.

5.4 Pre-test Check Rides

a. When an observer believes that an associate is test ready he/she will arrange for the associate to have a pre-test check ride with an LOA.

b. If the LOA does not believe the associate rode at the required test standard the LOA will provide detailed feed back to the associate and observer with advice on how to reach the required standard.

c. If the LOA believes that the associate is test ready the associate will be advised to submit a test application to IAM RoadSmart. The LOA will also inform the relevant observer

5.5 Test Passes

a. When an associate successfully completes a test with an IAM RoadSmart examiner their observer will inform the Chief Observer, Membership Secretary and the IDCAM and Associate Co-ordinator who will update the KAMG Tracker.

b. Whenever possible, the associate’s test pass certificate should be presented to them by their observer at the next possible monthly Group Meeting.

5.6 Changing an Associate’s Observer

There are several possible reasons why the associate/observer partnership may not adequately deliver the needs of the associate. In such cases, following a candid discussion so that both parties can learn from the situation, either party should contact the IDCAM and Associate Co-ordinator and ask for the associate to be re-allocated to another observer.

6: Observer Responsibilities

All observers, irrespective of their IMI accreditation level have the following responsibilities:-

a. To provide information and guidance on the use of advanced riding theory and techniques and when necessary give practical demonstrations of advanced riding to their allocated associate(s) and/or other observers that they are mentoring.

b. To use the literature and coaching methods provided and/or recommended by the IAM RoadSmart at all times.

c. To refer any difficulties or problems they encounter as an observer to either their team mentor or the Chief Observer so that the situation can be remedied and not left to deteriorate.

d. To continually maintain and further develop their own riding and coaching capabilities so as always to achieve the high standards demanded of observers by KAMG and IAM RoadSmart.

e. To be a good ambassador for KAMG and IAM RoadSmart.

f. To complete the following minimum number of Observed Rides per annum; LOs 10; NOs 15; LOA’s 20

7: Contributions, Expenses and Event Fees

7.1 Contributions for observed rides

a. A financial contribution to mileage and running costs should be offered by the associate at the completion of every observed ride to the observer. The size of this contribution is at a rate set by the KAMG Committee. This offer should be made whatever the objective of the observed ride is. Currently the rate is £15.

b. For coaching rides that form part of the Masters programme, the Committee may determine that the contribution to be made to the observer will be higher as the mileage will be greater. Please refer to IAM Roadsmart which determines the cost of the current Masters Programme.

7.2 Expenses for Supporting KAMG Training and Promotional Events

a. Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses may be claimed by KAMG members for attending IAM RoadSmart business, educational or training events if agreed beforehand by the Committee and upon submission of appropriate receipts and evidence.

b. Expenses for the provision of services to KAMG training events such as Machine Control Days, or promotional events such as Kent Fire Bike, may be claimed if the Committee has sanctioned the approval such expense claims.

c. In exceptional circumstances the KAMG Committee may sanction a contribution to a member’s personal training or test fee. Such examples may include but are not limited to advanced training with professional trainers such as “Rapid Training”, or a member who gains green badge status by the Group accreditation method who is deemed capable of obtaining a F1rst pass if they were to take an IAM RoadSmart test.

7.3 Committee Member Expenses Reimbursement

Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses may be claimed by committee members attending IAM RoadSmart business, educational or training events if agreed beforehand by the Committee and upon submission of appropriate receipts and evidence.

8: Complaints Procedure

8.1 Definition of a Complaint

A complaint is valid and must be addressed when a group member expresses in writing dissatisfaction with the KAMG, another member, a product or service provided by the KAMG to the member.

It is important to note, failure to pass a test or assessment related to an IAM RoadSmart product such as Advanced Riding or Masters, cannot form the basis of a complaint against an IAM RoadSmart examiner

8.2 Responsibility for Complaint Investigation

Each complaint will be assigned by the Chair to a committee member who will be responsible for managing the complaint until it is closed.

The KAMG Secretary will record the complaint in the formal records of the Committee.

8.3 Complaint Investigation

a. The appointed committee member will investigate the complaint and prepare a report for the Committee, setting out the basis of the complaint, the facts of the matter and a proposed action plan which may or may not include escalation to IAM RoadSmart.

b. As the nature of any complaint is unpredictable, establishing a prescriptive timeline for resolution is not possible. Nevertheless, at each stage of the management of the complaint the complainant will be informed of the next step and the likely timeframe.

c. The complainant will be sent a copy of the report and asked for his/her comment on the report and action plan following review and/or finalised amendments made by the Committee.

d. The complainant may wish to feedback his/her comments to the Committee in person. In which case the Chair will constitute a panel of three committee members and invite both the complainant and the investigating committee member to address the Panel. The complainant may be accompanied and supported by one friend.

e. If, following the Panel’s deliberations the complainant remains dissatisfied with the Panel’s conclusions the complaint will be escalated to the IAM RoadSmart Area Service Delivery Manager.

9: References

9.1 IAM Roadsmart Group Rules of Affiliation group/group-handbook/grouphandbook2017v3.pdf

9.2 KAMG Organised Riding Event Rules

9.3 IAM Risk Assessment Proforma library/team5rideriskassessment2017r1.pdf

9.4 IMI National Observer Competencies observer-qualifications/no/nops-bike-form

9.5 IMI Observer Qualification Competencies observer-qualifications/lo/imi-bike-observer-competency-document.pdf

N.B. For access to the IAM documents you will need to log in to their main site first.